Finally… Its stopped raining (or has it)

15th June 2024

With the competition season at last getting underway, it’s time to think about your equipment and saddlery. Modern competition standards are so high nowadays, that no-one can afford to compete in a saddle that restricts the horse’s movement, or does not offer the rider a balanced, secure position.

Sometimes a small alteration to the flocking of your existing saddle(s) can make all the difference – but it might also be worth seeing what’s on the market. Saddle technology is improving all the time, modern saddles are lighter and more horse and rider friendly, and offer more girthing and block options that ever before. And of course there are excellent ranges of adjustable saddles out there, for those who are concerned about their horses changing shape.

As an SMS Qualified Saddle Fitter and former event rider and trainer, I carry a large stock of new and used saddles, and am well placed to help you find the saddle that will optimize your performance.

Please contact me on 07941 512933 or [email protected] , or browse my website:

Oh – and by the way – you may be complaining about muddy conditions today, but rest assured it will be hard ground before you know it!